Monday, July 23, 2012


I know I shouldn't have expected this process to go quickly but I didn't expect it to take so long just to get the ball rolling.
BUT, the good news is that the ball is rolling and we're getting through the different appointments and formalities.  Our psychological testing is done, I have my OB appointment on Wednesday to start the blood work and Chris and Redd are meeting with Dr. Morris on Tuesday.  The final hurdle is the meeting with the lawyers and then I'll have my first meeting with Dr. Morris.
Dave and I are both so excited to get this process started and I know Chris and Redd are as well!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Decision

Although Dave and I were curious on the day we got the cryptic message from Chris about wanting to talk to us about "something," I just had a feeling about what it might be.
When we Skyped on Monday night we could see how very nervous Chris and Redd were and I wanted to put them at ease as best I could.  However, I couldn't tell them that I already knew in my heart that I wanted to be their GS.  Dave and I had to talk it over and get through all of our questions and concerns before jumping to an answer.
But we knew in our hearts, after all the questions were answered, that we were called to carry a very loved baby for Chris and Redd.
Skyping with them on that Monday night when we gave them our answer was all the confirmation that we needed to know that we had made the right decision.  I can not wait to begin this journey and meet the baby that will eventually complete their family.